October 1, 2014


Happy Day 35
When we got home from our visit, I was really excited to see that the dahlias I planted had come up. I got a good little bunch of tubers as a thank you for donating to Sunny Meadows Flower Farm's greenhouse campaign. (Sunny Meadows is located in Columbus, OH, we toured the farm two summers ago when I was dabbling in the flower farming thing.) After one of their greenhouses was collapsed by too much snow this spring, they crowd-sourced some funds to purchase and put up a new one. 
Unfortunately this year's planting didn't measure up to the  big, bloom-laden ones I grew back in Ohio. Ironic, considering this is the Pacific Northwest where growing flowers supposedly couldn't be easier. But it was really due to my own negligence by way of not preparing the soil well enough before and not watering enough after this photo was taken. One variety, Barbarossa came through with some lovely flame-y orange blooms despite my gardening failings. Photographic evidence will eventually be provided.

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